Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Be the Next School Organization Leader

The name is Mutia Adjani, from XI IPA 2. I will tell you the reason why I want to be part of the school organization (OSIS) and hopefully to become the OSIS leader for the 2014-2015 period.
OSIS leader has a very important responsibility and should be filled by the best candidate possible. I feel that I am that candidate for numerous reasons. Some of my peers often describe me as responsible, respectful, honest, and nice person. With the use all of these imperative traits, I will be able to do what is in the best interest of all of us.
        I promise to work hard to be the effective leader that you would be proud of. I will try to uphold and obey the rules and become the role model that you can all look up to. I will always try to be 
responsible, respectful, honest, trustworthy and reliable. I will always try to treat everyone equally and aim to live in harmony with one another. I would always take my responsibilities very seriously and always with a smile.
          What I am set to do is all that is in my power to make our school the best it has ever been. Together, a good future of our school is in our hands.
          The duty of an OSIS leader is not just about a board that has your name written on it but an opportunity to show my love to this school. This demands time, effort, and most of all the ability to lead. I believe I possess all these qualities and if not I am more than willing to learn them in the process. I promise to dedicate myself to serving the school and especially all of students in SMAN 3 Bandung. But all of these lies in you now, I just hope that you all choose the best candidate for you. Thank you!

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